Social Engineering & Ethical Hacking

We can support you by simulating an attack by a malicious user, both internal and/or external, in order to verify the resilience of the organization’s information security system. The attacks carried out not only focus on the typical technological aspects but also, and especially, on what is often the true weak link in the security system: the human factor.

Social Engineering support Services

To combat social engineering attacks, Clariter offers training programs and security awareness initiatives empowering employees to recognize and prevent phishing and sophisticated attacks. Real-life examples are used to help them respond according to the organization’s policies.

, Social Engineering
, Social Engineering
Ethical Hacking support Services

Clariter’s Red Team conducts goal-based Penetration Tests simulating tangible attack vectors to assess realistic risks. They aim to bypass computer security systems, gaining access to both external and internal resources, providing valuable insights into cybersecurity threats to critical assets.

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, Social Engineering